Overcoming Resistance in Transformation
Is resistance preventing you from experiencing positive change? Let’s explore what transformation entails and what is holding you back from moving towards a new version of yourself.
So I set my intention to let go of what no longer serves me in order to become a better version of myself , and the universe did not hold back! 😋
As expected, the universe presented me with the polarity of what I desire so I can overcome the challenges needed to hold the state of being I aspire to.
Body's Role in Transformation
With great change comes great resistance, and as much as we might wish life were easy, it rarely is. To be aware and conscious, we need a sense of connection to the world around us. Our consciousness extends beyond our individual bodies and is connected to a larger, universal consciousness. But because our consciousness is physically tied to our human bodies, we can only expand it as far as our bodies will allow.
The phrase "as above, so below" highlights the importance of renewing all parts of the whole for transformation to occur. Take metamorphosis for instance, it involves the interaction and cooperation of all the cells and systems within the insect's body, from the digestive system to the nervous system, to bring about this dramatic transformation. Without any one of these parts, the metamorphosis cannot take place, and the insect cannot become a completely new being. Similarly, personal transformation requires addressing all aspects of the self, including physical, emotional, and mental components, down to the cellular level, for a complete and lasting change.
The more you let go, the more room you have to grow
Limitations of the Ego
The ego is an aspect of our physical being that, although trying to protect ourselves, holds us back from allowing transformation within ourselves. It will tell any sort of story to convince us that we do not want to change, that it’s dangerous, that we aren’t capable of surviving, let alone thriving in a new state of being, and so on. But here’s the reality of the ego: it cannot understand anything beyond what it’s used to or what was.
As a construct of the mind shaped by our experiences and past conditioning, the ego is a survival mechanism that is focused on self-preservation and is resistant to change. It likes to hold onto what is familiar and comfortable, and it fears the unknown and the unfamiliar. This means the ego has limitations when it comes to understanding new or unfamiliar experiences. It tends to interpret everything through the lens of its own past experiences, and it can't see beyond what it already knows.
What is Resistance?
As I set out on this quest to become a better version of myself, I am confronted with RESISTANCE in my body. This is a natural reoccurrence for us as humans, so let’s break it down. Resistance refers to the act of opposing or pushing against something, and in the context of personal growth, it often refers to internal psychological barriers that prevent positive change. Anything other than allowing things to pass through us is causing resistance to the natural flow.
I received some valuable advice from
who taught me that when discomfort arises, it’s often because we are holding on to something, or pushing it away, which are both resistance to the flow of energy. Thank you my friend!I've noted various ways in which resistance has shown up in my life personally:
Holding onto things has looked like overthinking, obsessing over past scenarios, identifying too closely with my emotions, and blaming others rather than taking responsibility for my own actions or choices.
Pushing back shows up as avoiding my problems, being stubborn, reaching for explanations that contradict the truth, and getting triggered or taking offense when I hear something I don’t want to hear. Sometimes, my body even reacts physically, such as through twitching or trying to turn away from the discomfort.
These are just a few examples of the survival mechanisms that can prevent us from changing.
As we expand our consciousness, discomfort will continue to show up as an indication that we are resisting something within us, otherwise we would feel at peace.
What’s Next?
Now that we have brought some AWARENESS to what resistance is and how it manifests, we can take steps toward transformation and not let it control us. I invite you to reflect on ways resistance has shown up in your life, and here I will discuss some tools to help you get to the ROOT of your resistance.